Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering,
Vol.24, No.3, 547-550, 2007
Cycloaddition of carbon dioxide to epichlorohydrin using ionic liquid as a catalyst
The cycloaddition of carbon dioxide to epichlorohydrin was performed without any solvent in the presence of ionic liquid as catalyst. 1-Alkyl-3-methyl imidazolium salts of different alkyl group (C2, C4, C6, C8) and anions (Cl-,BF4-, Br-, PF6-) were used for this reaction carried out in a batch autoclave reactor. The conversion of epichlorohydrin was affected by the structure of the imidazolium salt ionic liquid; the one with the cation of longer alkyl chain length and with more nucleophilic anion showed better reactivity. The conversion of epichlorohydrin increased as the temperature increased from 60 ℃ to 140 ℃. It also increased with increasing carbon dioxide pressure probably due to the increase of the absorption of carbon dioxide into the mixture of epichlorohydrin and the ionic liquid. Zinc bromide was also tested for its use as a cocatalyst in this reaction.
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