Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering,
Vol.21, No.1, 296-302, 2004
Imaging Nanostructured Fluids Using Cryo-TEM
Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) has gained increasing popularity among researchers in the field of amphiphilic self-assembly as an experimental method of choice because of its unique ability to visualize nanostructures in complex fluids. Due to many recent technical improvements in the instrumentation, cryo-TEM experiments are now common. However, some limitations and possible artifacts are still a problem, and awareness of them remains a prerequisite for reliable operations and interpretation. The goal of this paper is to provide a review of the basic methods and procedures by which the cryo-TEM experiments are typically practiced. As examples, this paper also presents recent results derived from our cryo-TEM studies of micellization of block copolymer blends which clearly illustrate the unique usefulness of the technique for exploring the unexpected, complex, and/or heterogeneous nanostructures in amphiphilic solutions.
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