Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering,
Vol.31, No.7, 1237-1245, 2014
Impact of speciation on CO2 capture performance using blended absorbent containing ammonia, triethanolamine and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol
In our previous study, a high CO2 absorption rate was achieved using a blended absorbent containing AMP, NH3, and TEA. The species of the blended absorbent was determined in this study using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and a modified Kent-Eisenberg model. The carbamate formation constant was also regressed using the model. Bicarbonate and carbonate ions decrease the absorption efficiency and have a positive effect on CO2 stripping. Carbamate has a negative effect on regeneration; a regeneration temperature of 373 K minimized the energy needed. In conclusion, the prediction equation and NMR analysis provide an easy way of determining carbonate group species and carbamate species concentrations, and this method will be helpful in optimizing CO2 capture with blended absorbents.
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