Total 3 articles [ 키워드: Mean Spherical Approximation ]
No. Article
1 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 40 (3), pp.642-649 (2023)
Ion-dipole complex effect on activity coefficient of L-methionine in aqueous NaCl and NaNO3 solutions
Lee BS
2 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31 (12), pp.2251-2260 (2014)
Development of electrolyte SAFT-HR equation of state for single electrolyte solutions
Najafloo A, Feyzi F, Zoghi AT
3 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26 (6), pp.1733-1747 (2009)
Modeling of aqueous electrolyte solutions based on perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory incorporated with primitive mean spherical approximation
Lee BS, Kim KC