Total 647 articles [ 키워드: Ag ]
No. Article
41 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (9), pp.2379-2393 (2022)
A comprehensive study on single and competitive adsorption-desorption of copper and cadmium using eco-friendly magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles
Bakhtiari S, Shahrashoub M, Keyhanpour A
42 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (9), pp.2474-2481 (2022)
Effect of drainage layer on pressure drop of dual-layer glass fibrous coalescing filters
Xu C, Yu Y, Si X
43 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (9), pp.2542-2547 (2022)
Composites of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) and polarized Ag nanoparticles for CO2 separation
Kim BJ, Kang SW
44 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (8), pp.2034-2043 (2022)
Effects of opening design of gas distribution plate on fluidization of the synthesis process of organosilicon monomer
Tan W, Du Ss, He Y, et al.
45 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (8), pp.2055-2068 (2022)
The effects of under-ribs convection on enhanced drainage parallel flow field for proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Wu S, Yang W, Zhang J, et al.
46 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (8), pp.2099-2108 (2022)
An experimental study on polymer cathode materials in lead-acid battery energy storage systems
Jahani D, NazariA, Panah MY, et al.
47 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (7), pp.1821-1830 (2022)
Ultrasonication coupled electrochemical treatment of sugar industry wastewater: Optimization, and economic evaluation
Patel RK, Shankar R, Khare P, et al.
48 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (7), pp.1850-1862 (2022)
Removal of direct dyes by coagulation: Adaptability and mechanism related to the molecular structure
Wei Q, Zhang Y, Zhang K, et al.
49 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (7), pp.1891-1901 (2022)
Extraction and phase transformation of iron in fine-grained complex hematite ore by suspension magnetizing roasting and magnetic separation
Yuan S, Wang R, Zhang Q, et al.
50 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39 (7), pp.1919-1926 (2022)
High potential of amine rice husk magnetic biocomposites for Cu(II) ion adsorption and heterogeneous degradation of contaminants in aqueous solution
Nata IF, Wicakso DR, Mirwan A, et al.
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