Total 3 articles [ 저자: Kwon CH ]
No. Article
1 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27 (1), pp.278-283 (2010)
Calculation of phase equilibrium for water+carbon dioxide system using nonrandom lattice fluid equation of state
Kwon CH, Lee CH, Kang JW
2 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26 (1), pp.214-219 (2009)
Molecular modeling and experimental verification of lipase-catalyzed enantioselective esterification of racemic naproxen in supercritical carbon dioxide
Kwon CH, Jeong JY, Kang JW
3 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26 (1), pp.240-245 (2009)
Correlation of measured excess enthalpies of binary systems composed of n-alkane+1-alkanol
Kwon CH, Kang JW