Vol.18, No.2, 93-100, 1980
Flat Blade Stirred Bed 건조기의 건조특성
Slurry Drying in a Flat Blade Stirred Bed Dryer
Slurry를 주입할 때 Flat Blade Stirred Bed 건조기 내에서 정온조건의 건조곡선을 계산할 수 있는 방법을 연구하였다. 열천평에서 얻은 건조실험치와 분산모델의 물질수지석을 사용하였으며 축방향의 분산계수와 입자이동속도는 문헌에 알려진 상관관계식에서 구하였다. 얻어진 결과는 건조기에서의 실험치와 잘 일치하였다.
A method was developed for the calculation of drying profile at constant temperature in a slurry fed flat blade stirred bed dryer. Thermobalance drying rate data and mass balance equation for the dispersion model were utilized for the calculation. Using the correlations available for the calculation of dispersion coefficient and convection velocity, the calculated results were obtained and compared with experimental results. The agreement was found satisfactory.