Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering,
Vol.31, No.5, 801-806, 2014
The effects of poly(ethylene glycol) on the low-temperature oxidation reaction of coal as monitored using in situ series diffuse reflectance FTIR
In situ series diffuse reflectance FTIR was used to study the effects of poly(ethylene glycol) as a potential chemical additive inhibiting coal oxidation process at low temperatures. Two coals with different volatile content and, different ash percentages were examined following treatment with 5 wt% poly(ethylene glycol) 200. The surfaces of samples both with and without the additive were analyzed at temperature up to 200 oC in air using in situ diffuse reflectance FTIR. The results showed that poly(ethylene glycol) 200 is capable of inhibiting the oxidation of aliphatic moieties such as methyl and methylene groups, and also reducing the quantity of surface hydroxyl groups through reactions that form more stable ether linkages, thus improving the thermal stability of the coal. A mechanism by which the additive interacts with the coal surfaces is proposed.
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