Total 4 articles [ 키워드: Hele-shaw Cell ]
No. Article
1 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35 (2), pp.364-374 (2018)
Double diffusive effects on radial fingering in a porous medium or a Hele-Shaw cell
Kim MC
2 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34 (1), pp.189-198 (2017)
Magnetic field effect on the onset of Soret-driven convection of a nanofluid confined within a Hele-Shaw cell
Kim MC
3 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29 (12), pp.1688-1694 (2012)
Onset of radial viscous fingering in a Hele-Shaw cell
Kim MC
4 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17 (2), pp.169-173 (2000)
Experimental Studies on the Instabilities of Viscous Fingering in a Hele-Shaw Cell
Baig CG, Chun YH, Cho ES, et al.