Search / Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
Vol.23, No.1, 57-62, 1985
비단열 고정층 반응기를 이용한 Coked Molecular Sieve 5A의 재생
Regeneration of Coked Molecular Sieve 5A in Nonadiabatic Fixed Bed Reactors
Coked molecular sieve 5A의 재생을 비단열계 고정층 반응기 내에서 행하였으며 Johnson의 모형으로써 simulation한 결과 그 거동은 실측치와 잘 일치하였다. 고체입자 내에 침적된 coke 중 그 일부분만이 연소반응에 참여하고, 나머지는 미 연소된 상태로 배출된다. 반응속도상수도 미분반응기에서 얻어진 것과 다른 값을 나타내며, molecular sieve의 열화를 초래하지 않는 단열계에서의 급송 기체중 최고 허용산소 농도는 1.0 mol%로 계산되었다.
Regeneration of coked molecular sieve 5A was carried out in a nonadiabatic fixed bed reactor. Only port of the deposited coke in zeolite particles participated in the combustion reaction, while the remaining portion was removed in unoxidized forms. In addition, the reaction rate constant showed lower value than that obtained from a differential reactor. Johnson's model was satisfying for the prediction of the behavior of this regeneration process, and the maximum permissible oxygen feed concentration in an adiabatic system was calculated to be 1.0 mol%.